Attend talks by visiting faculty and alumnae, unique tours, book discussions, and, of course, alumni teas. Special gatherings are planned for young alums to meet and connect socially and professionally. Past virtual events are recorded and shared.
Connect with prospective students by assisting with alum interviews, Smith College book awards, and the spring rose (or book) drop.
Tax Deduction
SCCW is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization, which means your dues are tax deductible.
Receive our monthly e-newsletter listing upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and updates, and our newsletter featuring highlights and pictures of past events, local alumnae, and summaries of topical issues related to Smith College.
Grow and nurture by joining the next cohort of the SCCW Mentoring Program as a mentor or mentee. Learn from Smithies and assist one another!
Help SCCW raise money through our annual pecan sale and special events to provide scholarships for Smith students from the Washington, D.C. area. We also raise funds to support Smith students interning or working in the region and to subsidize SCCW activities.
Become a Member
We would love to welcome you as a club member! Please fill out the SCCW membership form and return it either electronically or by mail. Membership runs from July through June.
Online Registration: Easily fill out the SCCW Membership Form online.
Mail or Email: Fill out the SCCW Membership Form and return by either emailing to SmithClubDC@gmail.com or mail to the address below.
The SCCW requests and relies on dues, but dues are not required for membership. Dues help to defray the cost of communications, admissions activities, programs, and events. Dues plans to fit every situation are available below. On behalf of the Smith College Club of Washington, the board thanks you in advance.
To encourage participation and inclusion, we offer the following dues levels:
$20 - Young Alum (within ten years of graduation)
$20 - Senior Member (class before 1971)
$40 - Active Member
$60 - Sustaining Member
$100 - Contributing Member
$0 - Current Student or Parent of Student
To pay dues, please submit electronically or by mail.
PayPal: Enter the cost of your membership plan under donation amount.
Mail Check: Write a check for the cost of your membership plan and enclose in an envelope to Smith College Club of Washington.
​Send to:
SCCW Treasurer
6415 Washington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22205

Additional Contributions
We welcome and thank you for your additional contribution! Please select below if you would like to make a contribution to the SCCW Scholarship Fund or to the operations of the club itself. Thank you!
Scholarship Fund
Please remember the Smith College Club of Washington Scholarship Fund when you make your charitable contributions! The SCCW Scholarship Fund affords area students the opportunity to attend Smith. All contributions are welcome and will make a difference.
SCCW Operations
We welcome additional contributions to defray the cost of operating expenses for the club. Thank you for your generosity!